Get In Touch

    First Name

    First Name of the person

    Sur Name

    Sur Name of the person


    House/Appartment number, street, state, zip code.

    Email Address

    Please enter your Email address

    What type of property investment are you looking for?

    Choose property investment

    Time frame to invest

    Choose invest

    How are you funding your investment

    Choose funding investment

    Your investment budget

    Choose budget

    Would you like to use our solicitor partners?

    Choose solicitor partners

    Anything else we should know?

    Write below some Additional Comments

    Let us help you start your property investment journey….

    We just need a few pieces of information about your current situation and what you’re looking to achieve. Please answers the questions in the form below or use our calendar booking system and we can begin planning your tailored property sourcing plan! 

      What type of property investment are you looking for?

      Choose property investment

      Time frame to invest

      Choose invest

      How are you funding your investment

      Your investment budget

      Choose budget

      Would you like to use our solicitor partners?

      Select your choice below

      Would you like to get more information about our accounting partners?

      Select your choice below

      First Name

      First Name of the person


      Surname of the person


      House/Appartment number, street, state, zip code.

      Phone Number

      Please enter your Phone Number

      Email Address

      Please enter your Email address

      Kobi Grossman

      CEO & Founder of Endgame Estates

      Help us understand what you’re looking to achieve from property investment – book your free consultation with our of CEO Kobi today. 

      You can call us directly, use our simple form or use our calendar booking system to get a time / date booked directly into your calendar.

      This will be a relaxed no obligation discovery call where you can explain your current situation and Kobi can share any thoughts and insight on how Endgame Estates can help. 

      Kobi and the Endgame team have 20+ years of experience in the property sector and are on hand to help anytime.
